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Ramos up advocacy Pepe


game between Real Madrid and Getafe took the dye to violence. When the bill number is 2-2, Pepe has hand speed falls within Javier Casquero prohibited. Then, the secondary ticket "floating Đóa" launch of two old row to the back of đùi and Casquero, because he can for that money to Getafe's intentionally "and eat".

Arbitration does not demur to the guests enjoy the penalty, and withdrawal that matches deposition by Pepe. Situation may have worse if Goalkeeper Iker Casillas is not aware of ways to control pet's boring team and convoy him out of the yard. Casquero did not win in "look-out temple" on the dot before Higuain 11m determine the overall winner for Real Madrid 3-2 in 93 minutes.

According to the Spanish, action violence whether accidentally or property of Pepe will also make him take a light punishment is suspended giò 3 match.

Pepe speech after the game: "I am very sad and disappointed with their attitude. At that time, I was not able to control yourself. However, chả who have had the wrong time. It is important that I recognize their mistakes. I apologize CDV, Real Madrid and of course the more Casquero.

Middle of the BDN to say: "I can not communicate with Casquero after the game. Therefore, through the report, I hope he then ignored me. What I like currency never happen in my life. I do not know what will happen next. I am not a violent player and just get the card several times in this season opens. I know you were wrong and I take penalties. "

While Pepe Ramos received the error still has up to protect His pupils "frivolity" of themselves. HLV's TBN said: "Pepe really take calm but has no attack Casquero. He just want to rock vu acephalous clearance pet boring. I dare sure Pepe exchange is hận with what happened. We should forgive the excitement of the meal he. "

Then, by former HLV spurs praise screen performances by the Royal team "Real Madrid have completed the Vocational lội against the item, because we have faith. This is not the first time we do the same. We will try to Barcelona bám tag as long as it is still opportunity. Remove the concept never existed in me. "

He also spent a few for "victims" of Pepe: "I know the feeling of Casquero. How he is falling for the penalty we found a lack of respect for. "

The party line, president Angel Torres is very angry with Pepe and that secondary ticket Real Madrid is not forgiveness. He said: "Pepe the court to suspend at least 10 giò match. You can not have the means to a raw bạo so. This is an action plan needs to be. "


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