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Coleen Rooney was honored Entrepreneur success

Top brain business is in her ne Wayne Rooney has been recognized as official. Coleen's become a form of business to girls as he says.

The recognition that came from the Association of Women Business reputation is on the land Mist, Everywoman. Organization reputation after this long process of reviewing records of a series of candidates sáng price, the decision to Coleen Rooney as Ambassador to this year. Council review the resolution is convinced, by the whole "you win Vocational items" that her 23 year old WAG "record" on the market.

"Coleen has achieved many successful brilliantly from the start to become" The public "first few years," Karen Gill, Director of Everywoman assessment, "At age 23, she became the real form form an ideal in the eyes the young women in England. Coleen is proof of lively lessons about holding the precious opportunity of life and effort to thoroughly utilize the opportunity to number them. "

Karen Gill's not too little time. "Take the" a girlfriend and then wife of Wayne Rooney, Coleen song always know how to assert its own values. She also likes shopping and parties. However, "she WAG money strongest year" not only to the money bags of money in the 1 MU's team as well as English. Not difficult to tell a series of projects "picked out of money" by Coleen, since the market launch of a brand name perfume Coleen X, signed cooperation development of cosmetics and jewelry have time for 10 years Argos system, to release a fitness DVD teaching aesthetics, writing, writing for magazines or tỏa morning show in television guest food ... The Council resolution also consider very impressed with the activities Charity did not know tired of waiting for good days "to the" this. Coleen Rooney particularly active in helping children on the farm of origin Mist.

On their part, Ambassador of modern Everywoman sướng the speech: "I am very proud of the efforts have been worthy of recognition. Hopefully the partnership between me and Everywoman will contribute to encourage the young women of other communications. " Old promotion of this "she's real business, not understanding the next time we will use many phrases" Coleen - she's in Rooney "or" Rooney - he's in Coleen "here ...


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